Friday, December 5, 2014

Configuring PyDev to Eclipse for OpenFlow

  • Downloading the Eclipse CDT and Java

  • Installing PyDev to Eclipse - It can be done in 2 ways:

          Update Manager
                  Go to the update manager (Help > Install New Software) and add: 

                  and follow the Eclipse steps.

  1. Go to Help → Install New Software
  3. Enter in the Work with:  field.
  4. After several seconds, two options should appear. Select the PyDev for Eclipse option. Do not select the "PyDev Mylyn Integration" flag.

  6. Click "Next" and "OK" to continue installing PyDev.
  7. Select "I accept the terms of the license agreement", then click "Finish". The installer will begin to download the plug-in.
  8. Note: When you see the Selection Needed dialog box, you must manually check the box before pressing okay. If you do not, it appears that the installation is continuing, but it is not. You must uninstall PyDev, then reinstall.
  9. A security warning may appear asking whether you trust the software being installed- click "ok", then ensure the correct items are selected and click yes. The instillation process will continue.
  10. When the installation is complete, you will be asked if you want to restart Eclipse. Select "Yes". You may see a Subclipse Usage  dialog, just uncheck the box and continue.

        Zip File
                  The .zip file available here
                  An alternative is just getting the zip file and extracting it yourself in eclipse.
                  For Eclipse 3.4 onwards, you can extract it in the 'dropins' folder (and restart Eclipse).

  • Configuring PyDev

    1. Python must be installed to configure PyDev.
    2. Go to Window → Preferences. In the Preferences window, expand PyDev and select Interpreter-Python.
    3. Click "New..." and type Python32 for the Interpreter name. For the Interpreter executable, browse to your copy of Python (C:\Program Files\Python32\python.exe), and press Open.

      Click "OK" and the  Selection Needed Window will appear.
    4. Select all but the PySrc and and click OK as many times as necessary to exit the preferences. The default selection should be fine.
    5. The Interpreter is now set up so that the code you write can be interpreted for the computer to run. You are now ready to start running code.

    Friday, November 21, 2014

    Syntax and parameters of different OpenFlow library functions

    The core function of OpenFlow is implemented in /opt/openflow-main/nox/src/nox/lib.

    The contains following important functions:

    register_for_port_status(self, handler):
    register_for_datapath_leave(self, handler):
    register_for_flow_stats_in(self, handler):
    register_for_aggregate_stats_in(self, handler):
    register_for_port_stats_in(self, handler):
    register_for_table_stats_in(self, handler):
    register_for_datapath_join(self, handler):
    register_for_flow_mod(self, handler):
    register_for_flow_removed(self, handler):
    register_for_packet_in(self, handler):

    The file describes the syntax to be followed while declaring a handler function.

    Simple program for understanding OpenFlow

    I thank Mr. Michael Karl for helping me in understanding the OpenFlow modules.

    # Import helper classes

    # Initialize helper classes
    myrouting = My_Routing()
    Ramakrishna = RamakrishnaModule(); # init Ramakrishna's module

    def oflogger(txt):
    logger.warn('-OPENFLOW / WARN- : ' + txt + '\n')

    def oferror(txt):
    logger.warn('\n\n\n-OPENFLOW / ERROR- : ' + txt + ' \n\n\n')

    class mycontroller(Component):
    """ Main control component for NOX of My OpenFlow Network

    def __init__(self, ctxt):
    """ Initialize the my controller
    @param ctxt: nox context. This is only needed for the super constructor

    # Call inherited constructor
    Component.__init__(self, ctxt)


    # init internal variables
    self._discovery = self.resolve('nox.netapps.discovery.discovery.discovery')

    logger.debug('OPENFLOW-CONTROL Initialized')

    def install(self):
    """ Install self as NOX component. This method will be called by the NOX framework.
    All we do is register ourselves to the appropriate events.

    # Handler
    self.register_handler(Link_event.static_my_get_name(), self.handle_my_link_event)

    logger.debug('OF-CONTROL Installed')

    def getInterface(self):
    """ Returns a string representation of this my controller object """
    return str(mycontroller)

    def handle_my_packet_in(self, dpid, inport, reason, length, bufid, packet):
    This function is called to notify the controller of an incoming packet on a router
    @param dpid: DPID of the switch receiving the packet
    @param inport: port at the switch on which the packet was received
    @param reason: ???
    @param length: Length of the incoming packet
    @param bufid: ???
    @param packet: the packet blob

    # Could not parse packet. Ignore
    if not packet.parsed:
    return CONTINUE

    # Forward every packet seen by the controller also to Ramakrishna's module
    Ramakrishna.PacketIn(dpid, inport, reason, length, bufid, packet)

    return CONTINUE

    def handle_my_dp_join(self, dpid, stats):
    This method is called when a switch joins us. We notify our helpers, reset the switch and set some parameters
    @param dpid: DPID of the switch that just joined
    @param stats: stats of this switch

    Ramakrishna.DPJoin(dpid, stats)
    self.switch_reset(dpid) # Reset switch and set parameters

    return CONTINUE

    def handle_my_dp_leave(self, dpid):
    This method is called when a switch leaves. We notify our helpers and delete the flows.
    @param dpid: DPID of the switch that just left

    Ramakrishna.DPLeave(dpid, stats)
    return CONTINUE

    def handle_my_link_event(self, event):
    This handles link add and remove events. Basically only notify our helpers (and delete flows).
    @param event: the link event. Contains action and link details
    return CONTINUE

    def handle_my_flow_removed(self, dpid, flow, priority, reason, cookie, dursec, durnsec, bytecount, packetcount):
    This method handles removed flows by removing them in the helpers
    @param dpid: is the datapath id of the switch.
    @param flow: is a NOX flow dictionary
    @param priority: is the flow's priority
    @param reason: why the flow was removed (see ofp_flow_removed_reason)
    @param cookie: is the flow's cookie
    @param dursec: is how long the flow was alive in (s).
    @param durnsec: is how long the flow was alive beyond dur_sec in (ns).
    @param bytecount: is the number of bytes passed through this flow.
    @param packetcount: is the number of packets passed through this flow.

    Ramakrishna.FlowRemoved(dpid, flow, priority, reason, cookie, dursec, durnsec, bytecount, packetcount)
    return CONTINUE

    def handle_my_flow_mod(self, dpid, flow, command, idle_to, hard_to, buffer_id, priority, cookie):  
    Manages modified flows by telling the DataStore (except for delay measurement flows)
    @param dpid: is the datapath id of the switch.
    @param flow: is a NOX flow dictionary
    @param command: is the type of flow mod (see ofp_flow_mod_command)
    @param idle_to: is the idle timeout of the flow
    @param hard_to: is the hard timeout of the flow
    @param buffer_id: is a buffer id assigned by the switch, or -1 if there is no buffer. (This is not meaningful for OFPFC_DELETE command).
    @param priority: is the flow's priority
    @param cookie: is the flow's cookie

    Ramakrishna.FlowModification(dpid, flow, command, idle_to, hard_to, buffer_id, priority, cookie)
    return CONTINUE

    def getFactory():
    """Builds a factory class for ofcontrol
    class Factory:
    def instance(self, ctxt):
    """Returns a new mycontroller instance
    return mycontroller(ctxt)
    return Factory()

    Execution Steps:

    cd /opt/openflow-main/nox/build/src/
    ./nox_core -i ptcp:6633 monitoring mycontroller

    Friday, November 7, 2014

    Installing ESXi 5.1

    The ESXi 5.1 is available in below given link:


    The system compatibility can be checked using :

    The ESXi server can be accessed through vSphere Client:

    Installation procedure is available in:

    For ESXi Installation:

    For vSphere Client: